
Going for your PhD at a highly remarkable university like the University of Sheffield is definitely something that most students around the globe do fantasize about. It is already an unarguable fact that the United Kingdom has some of the most outstanding universities in the entire world.

The University of Edinburgh, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of Manchester and University of London are just a few out of several other top-class universities we have in the United Kingdom.


Looking at these universities mentioned above and also those that weren’t even mentioned, there is one particular university that always seems to stand out with a significant presence and that is the University of Sheffield. Just so you know, this wonderful university is known to be part of the most respectable universities in the UK and also around the world.



If you are reading this right now and you are unto the idea of going for your PhD at the University of Sheffield, this article will be of immense benefit to you. You may be currently asking questions about how much it costs to study there or how you can be able to cut down costs at this university but worry less, because this article is here to offer the help you need.


But just before we move any further into details, let’s discuss on why you should pick the University of Sheffield as a place to go for your PhD.


Why Choose The University of Sheffield?

The University of Sheffield is a public research university in Sheffield (South Yorkshire, England) that has always been known for its reputable high standards, brilliant students, skilled tutors, lots of successful alumni and many other feats that keeps it atop.

This great university became a reality after the merging of Sheffield School of Medicine, Firth College, and the Sheffield Technical School.



Since its establishment, this great university has done well to produce lots of brilliant minds who have changed today’s world in one way or the other. Currently, the University of Sheffield harbours over 30 thousand students and about 11,000 of them are postgraduate students in different fields of study.


Going for your PhDs and research degrees at a university like this would definitely help you start or continue your research in a field you’re passionate about. You can also freely decide what you work on, how you work on it and how you get there, with guidance and support from a supervisory team. With these, one is able to make a world-first discovery, create innovation with lasting impact and also shine a new light on important topics.


The University of Sheffield is, and always will be, amongst the most welcoming and widely recognized universities in England and also the whole of United Kingdom. This university has never seemed to stop trying to be atop, it has also worked its way and strived towards being a very respectable and largely recognized institution.


The University of Sheffield has been known to be one of the top universities that students always opt for when it comes to furthering their studies.


The issue here for some of the aspiring students is that financial hardship poses a threat to their education and is huge setback for them. Due to this and many other money-related problems, some of these students unfortunately have to close down their dreams of studying at a university like this.


If you know you are up and ready a PhD at the University of Sheffield but you do not have the financial strength to bear the weight of costs for accommodation, tuition and other expenses related to studying, there are several scholarships to assist and help you out. With these scholarships, you and other fellow students can now get the chance to go for their research/taught PhD degrees without worrying much about expenses.


If you are reading this now, you should be very much interested in the scholarship programs that the University of Sheffield has to offer. Some of these scholarships will be listed below and if you have it in mind to apply, be sure to visit the official website.


1. University of Sheffield Research Scholarships


Applications for this scholarship are assessed based on academic success and qualifications, research background, experience, a clear well-articulated research proposal, the potential impact of the research and also a good match with supervisor/department expertise.


Award Details

If you eventually become a successful awardee of this scholarship, you get the chance to be receive benefits which includes:


Fees (UK or Overseas) and a full maintenance stipend at the UKRI rate (currently £17,668 for 2022/23).


Fees (UK or Overseas) and a half or partial maintenance stipend.


Fees only (UK or Overseas).


A contribution towards fees and/or maintenance stipend.


Access to Research Support funds for conference and other expenses.


It is also important to note that these scholarships fund up to three and a half years full-time or seven years part-time study, subject to satisfactory progress and also, part-time studentships are paid at 50% of the full-time rate.



You should have, or expect to achieve, a first or upper second class UK honours degree or equivalent.


You should be applying to start your first year of study on a full-time or part-time PhD in the 2023/24 academic year.


Awards are open to Home and International applicants.


For more information regarding this scholarship, do well to visit the official website by CLICKING HERE.


2. Commonwealth PhD Scholarships


Commonwealth PhD Scholarships are for candidates from least developed countries and fragile States in the Commonwealth, for full-time doctoral study at a UK university. These scholarships actually contribute to the development needs of Commonwealth countries by supporting research that will have a developmental impact.


They also enhance individual teaching and research capacity leading to increase institutional capacity in academic and other sectors in Commonwealth countries.


If you eventually become a successful awardee of this scholarship, you get to enjoy benefits which includes: tuition fee coverage, monthly stipend, approved airfare from your home country to the UK and many more.



To be eligible for the Commonwealth PhD scholarships, you must:


Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country.


Be available to start academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September 2023.


By September 2023, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard, or a second class degree (2:2) and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree).


NOT be registered for a PhD, or an MPhil leading to a PhD, at a UK university or in your home country before September/October 2023.


Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship.


Have provided all supporting documentation in the required format.


For more credible information regarding this scholarship, do well to visit the official site by CLICKING HERE.


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